Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm Back!

No, you're not seeing things.  It is really happening; I've returned from my two month hiatus.  It's been a strange and exciting time for myself, my family and my business and I'm so glad that I'm finally well enough to get back to updating this blog!

So let me give you a summary of what's been happening!

1. At the beginning of November, something we've been waiting for for a LONG time happened: my sister finally had her precious little munchkin, Lily!  Weighing in at 8lb 6oz at birth, she came into this world naturally (not that my sister intended on it being that way, things just progressed so fast!)and has been growing like a weed ever since!  Her 2 month birthday is on Wednesday and she's already up to 13lb!  I'm so in love with that little bundle of perfectness. :)

2. We went on a little vacation down to Mexico to attend the wedding of some dear friends of ours.  We stayed at Dreams Puerto Aventuras, which is down near the Mayan Riviera.  The wedding was beautiful, the resort was gorgeous and of course the scenery was wonderful.  Unfortunately I got sick right at the beginning of our trip so I couldn't enjoy myself as much as I would have liked.  At least there was good reason behind it!

3. When we got back from Mexico and (literally the day we returned) we found out that we're expecting a baby of our own!  While we are utterly thrilled, the first 12 weeks were VERY hard on me.  I had extreme nausea and my hips started separating so fast that I was in major pain.  Combating the nausea, pain and fatigue made it very hard for me to function.  I ended up taking a bit of a break from training because I just couldn't give my clients what they needed.  I knew that it wasn't going to last long though, and I was right.  Even though I'm still experiencing some hip discomfort, I'm finally able to give my clients the dedication (and butt-kickings) that they deserve!  We're just about 14 weeks now and LD (Little Duddy) is about the size of a peach!  We're due July 6th!! Because of this huge change in our lives, I've made some big changes to my business.

4. As of January 1st, Ocean City Mobile Fitness will be solely operating out of South Surrey and White Rock.  Because I'm a small business owner and my husband's income just isn't enough to support a family on its own, I will not be able to take a full maternity leave.  This means it is time to start pinching pennies now!!!  Less time traveling to clients around the lower mainland and the ability to be near our home will make this new stage in our lives easier for us.

5. After working with my clients almost solely on weight loss I've been working on the nutrition aspect of things quite a bit more in 2010.  This has me considering a degree in nutrition while continuing to kick the butts of all my clients.  I'm hoping to add this to what I can offer my clients by the beginning of 2012 and becoming a 1 stop shop for all your weight loss needs!!!!

So I think that about sums it up.  To all of my wonderful clients, thanks for hanging in here with me during this crazy time in my life.  I'm looking forward to sharing my journey through pregnancy with all of you, as well as keeping you up to date with all of my healthy weight loss tips and tricks!!!!!

All the best in 2011!!


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