Monday, January 17, 2011

Wrapping my Head Around This - Part 1

**Let me preface this post by letting you know this post starts off as a bit of a woah is me whine.  I know many mothers go through much worse than I have, and for that my hat's off to you!

I have always considered myself a woman who is in shape and takes good care of herself.  I do some form of exercise daily, I eat well and I take time for myself every day to reflect, relax and centre myself.  So upon finding out that I will soon be a mommy, I really thought this pregnancy would be a breeze!

Boy was I mistaken.

Don't get me wrong, now that I'm in the 2nd trimester I'm feeling much more like my old self.  Really though, the first three months of this pregnancy were quite rough on me, which I touched on here.  I had a terrible time sleeping.  Being hit by insomnia had me acting like a zombie.  I was running on at the most 3hrs of sleep a night (yes I'm aware that this is something I get to look forward to once my little one arrives).  Also, I was extremely nauseous.  Every scent had me holding my breath and running to the bathroom.

While feeling sick and exhausted was hard enough on this usually hardy personal trainer, the worst thing I went through (and am still experiencing here and there) has been pelvic instability and sciatic pain. For someone who considered herself quite fit and looked forward to her daily workouts, this was quite debilitating.  I didn't have the strength or energy to exercise.  I couldn't lie on my back because of the pain and I was mad at myself for feeling so weak.  I didn't even have the energy to work on my deep core exercises that I have been teaching my clients.  I was becoming depressed and began doubting that I was going to have the dream pregnancy I had originally hoped for.

It felt like FOREVER, but I finally made it into my 2nd trimester.  My goodness, it was like a light switched back on!   Ladies, everything they say about the 2nd trimester has rang true thus far.  I began sleeping again, the nausea is gone and I've been able to get back to exercising.  I've been able to start working on my core again, which is crucial for stabilizing your pelvis, relieving other pains associated with pregnancy and also prepares your body for birth.  The improvements have been fantastic and I feel great!  When I ask my clients what they think are ideal core strengthening exercises, I always hear the same things: sit-ups, crunches, bicycle crunches.  Sure those muscles target a few of your abdominal muscles, but they certainly don't target your core!

In my next post, I will give you a few fantastic core exercises that are crucial for everyone who exercises, not just women who are expecting.  I did my pre/post natal certification with a fantastic woman, Sue Dumais, who has spent her life learning about and working with the pelvic floor and deep core muscles.  She gave me invaluable training and I'm excited to share a bit of it with you!

Check back soon for Part 2!


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