Sunday, November 20, 2011

Don't Wait Until January

Well it is that time of year again.  The holidays are fast approaching and everyone is getting busier and busier.  Some have started planning their resolutions for the new year, and of course losing weight/getting healthy is a popular one!  Here's my favourite picture for the holidays:

My question to you is why wait?  If you read my last email (You say you didn't get that email?  Shameless plug: sign up here!) you will know how easy it is to eliminate excuses and to make exercise fit into even the busiest of schedules.  Even just 15 minutes a day will give you the health benefits you need!  This way, you can maintain your weight throughout the holidays rather than gaining the usual 5-10lb.  Do you realize that from the holidays alone people gain on average 25lb over 5 years??  That is RIDICULOUS and adds up over a lifetime!

Here are some quick tips to get you into the new year:

-Don't deprive yourself!  Let yourself indulge a little, but don't go overboard!  Have just 1 plate of food, making sure that each food dish = less than the size of your fist on your plate.  Have a smaller portion of dessert.  Slow down sailor, have 1 drink instead of 5 (just make it a strong one)!  Speaking of drinks, did you try the Eggnog Protein Shake recipe?

-Take a brisk walk after dinner.  Bring a set of 3-5lb weights with you to add a little resistance.  Hey, if you had 1 plate of food you shouldn't be over-stuffed and a walk should seem reasonable at this point!

-Create some quality family time.  Get out the game system and play with your kids.  I'm talking your Wii or your Kinect, not your Playstation 3! 

-Learn the master of substitution in your cooking.  1 cup of mashed cauliflower with butter instead of 1 cup of mashed potatoes will save you a whopping 237cals!!!!  I keep my turkey moist by putting halved apples inside instead of buttering the crap out of it.  Try it!

-Join a group of like-minded people for an early morning or late evening INDOOR workout to help get you through this temptation-filled time of year.  Our classes are at 6:00am and 8:00pm, so perfect before work or after the little kidlets head to bed:)

 -We don't have snow here *yet* but I'm sure it is coming soon.  Go sledding with the family.  An hour of hill climbing will earn you up to 500 calories burned!

Yours in fitness and health,

Jenn Milne 

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