Monday, October 25, 2010

Feeling Lost in the Gym?

As a personal trainer who spends a lot of time at a ladies-only facility, I'm often asked questions about what one should do at the gym if they haven't followed a workout program before.  About 95% of the time I'm in the middle of a training session, so without disrupting my appointment with my client I offer a few basic tips:

1. Most of these gals don't come in more than 3 times a week, so I advised them to space a day in between each session and do a full body workout each time.

2. Focus on targeting each area of the body:
  • Arms & Upper Body (Pecs, Lats, Traps, Rhomboids, Deltoids, Rotator Cuffs, Biceps & Triceps)
  • Lower (Quads, Gluts, Hamstrings, Hip Abductors & Adductors, Calves)
  • Core (Rectus Abdominis, Internal & External Obliques, TVA, Erector Spinae)
3. If you're not sure which exercises will target which body parts, take a look at the machines around you.  Most will have a small diagram pointing to their target areas and will even explain how to use them properly.

4. When possible, do exercises that will target more than 1 muscle group at a time (compound exercises!) as this will save time.  Doing a chest press will work your chest, fronts of your shoulders and triceps.  A leg press will work your quads, gluts, hamstrings and calves.

5.  Keep your core engaged while performing ALL exercises.  This does NOT mean sucking it in like Hasselhoff in his Baywatch years. Here's a quick way to cue your core that I use with my clients:  take a slow deep inhale and stick your tummy out as far as possible.  Now exhale VERY slowly while pulling your tummy in at the same time.  Be sure to exhale until there's not an iota of air left in your lungs. Once you've finally completely exhaled, your whole core should feel completely solid.  Now, keep that solid core and continue to breath.  Make sure to do this during EVERY exercise!

6. I prefer having my clients work with free weights and their own body weight when they exercise.  This challenges their stability and their core (see above), as well as their hand/eye co-ordination.  This doesn't mean free weights are right for you, though.  Start on machines if you're not confident with free weights as posture is extremely important.  (this is why seeing an experienced personal trainer - even if for only 1 or 2 sessions - is a fantastic investment in your workout career as it will give you so many more options in the gym!)

7. If you aren't sure if you're doing an exercise right or if you don't know how a specific machine works, grab a staff member (or a personal trainer who isn't with a client) to correct you if needed.  These guys should be more than happy to help you.

8.  When you start using resistance machines or weights at the gym, don't just mindlessly use your piece of equipment until you're bored with it and then move on.  Write the exercises down that you'll be performing.  Here's my free workout card so you can record what you do and keep track of your progress.

9. What are your goals?  Are you trying to create muscle tone, build strength, or lose weight?  If you're trying to lose weight, typically keeping your repetitions around 15-20 will burn fat.  8-12 reps will help you get those nice shapely arms, and 2-8 will give you strength.  Regardless of what your goals are, be sure to use an appropriate weight.  If you can complete your reps with ease, bump those weights up!  Your last few reps should be a challenge.  Alternatively, make sure you can complete the amount of reps for your goals!  

10.  I've saved the best tip for last!  The absolutely most asked question is of course, "when should I do my cardio?"  Again, this depends on your goals and the amount of time you have at the gym.  If you have less time, then incorporate cardio intervals into your weight routine.  By now you know I LOOOVE interval training.  No matter what your goals are you'll see maximum benefits by mixing up your cardio and weight training. Do your cardio in between sets of exercises.  Perform your cardio in 45second to 2minute intervals to get your heart rate up.  If you have a bit more time to spare, you like to focus on your weights separately from your cardio and your goal is to lose weight then I would suggest doing it first.  You won't be as fatigued as you could be after your workout and you can maintain your pace in the "fat burning zone" a little easier.  If you want strength or size improvements I would definitely choose intervals or finish your workout session with your cardio.

I hope all this information helps you when you're trying to find your way in the gym.  Always start your workouts with a 5-10minute warm-up including dynamic stretching (stretching with movement).  Finish EVERY workout with a cool down and stretch.  There's so much more to training compared to what I've listed here, but this will give you a great start.  When you're feeling more confident or you want to change your routine up, set up a free consultation today!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  Helping people reach their goals really is a passion of mine and I hope that I can help at least a few of you along the way!

Yours in exercising safely and effectively,

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